Programming the CAN-BPWRD Development Board
Important: The CAN-BPWRD Docs are still under development, so may be subject to change.
1.0 Overview
The CAN-BPWRD development boards have the SWD pins of the STM32G491 MCU exposed on a header, allowing for easy, direct programming of the MCU chip using an ST-Link interface.
A large amount of programming languages and toolchains have support for ST-Link based programming as well as well documented libraries for using an STM32 micro-controller.
2.0 Getting Started
If you are unsure on how to get started, we recommend using PlatformIO to program this board, take a look at these docs pages for more help:
Using PlatformIO, the board can be programmed in multiple frameworks (STM32Cube HAL, Arduino, libopencm3, CMSIS) depending on your preference, and once set-up, offers an easy environment for developing and programming.